Get to Know Us!

We know you’re one tired mama! Growing and birthing a human is exhausting work and we understand how hard it is to fit one more thing into your day. But, whether you’re pregnant, a new parent or your kids are in school while you’re at work, we’re here to encourage, motivate and guide you in moving your body, so that you have the strength and stamina to deal with the physical and emotional demands of parenting. We’d like to introduce your Fitmama Strong Online Coaches! We’re all prenatal and postnatal fitness specialists and are excited to guide you as you learn to move your body safely and effectively in your childbearing years.


Fitmama Strong Durham Owner - Jennifer Rogers

Fitmama Strong Durham OWNER: Jennifer Rogers

Jennifer is the mom of two boys and has been running the Fitmama Strong Durham location for since 2010. Not only is she a personal trainer, she’s also a lamaze instructor and a doula. You’ll find Jennifer on your screen in many of our on-demand workout in the content library. If you’re looking for her online, she most often teaches our 30 minute Express ELEVATE classes and our Prenatal Fitness classes. Jen is the mama of 2 boys and enjoys creating content for our social channels in her spare time. We’re certain you’ll love her energy and enthusiasm!


Fitmama Strong Ottawa Owner - Susan McDonald

Fitmama strong Ottawa Owner: Susan McDonald

Susan is an accountant turned fitness professional and has been running the Fitmama Strong Ottawa location since 2010, after being a member herself for a few years. You’ll most often find her teaching our 30 minute Express ELEVATE classes and our Prenatal Fitness classes. Her favourite workout styles are tabata or stability ball workouts that work up a great sweat. Sue has a son and a daughter and enjoys working behind the scenes creating websites and ensuring processes are as seamless as possible!

Our Instructors


Kimbalina was a regular at Mom & Baby Babywearing Classes when she decided she’d like to join our team! Kimbalina enjoys playing team sports and being active. She’s the mom of two littles - a son and a daughter, and together with them she helped build out on-demand workouts while living overseas for a year. She’s back in Canada, so you’ll see also see her live, usually teaching our Express STRONG Classes.


Diana is another one of our members who recently joined our online team. She has a number of years of experience teaching group fitness classes at the Goodlife, so you know that her workouts will be fast paced and fun! You’ll see her live on your screen usually teaching our Express STRONG Classes.


Chantel was a longtime member and seasoned fitness instructor when she joined our team. She taught in-person classes in Ottawa for more than three years before moving away from the city. She’s the mom of a school aged daughter and son. While she’s no longer teaching live classes, you can still catch some of her workouts on-demand in our content library.